Trump would have given Putin Ukraine

The ongoing drama in Congress continues with the public investigation of the January 6th, 2021 coup attempt by President Trump. Much like the early pandemic Presidential and Vice Presidential news conferences that showcased the nervousness and ineptitude of the President in handling the reality of a virulent bio-weapon release, President Trump was also a foreignContinue reading “Trump would have given Putin Ukraine”

The Integrated Life Force Concept

The most important article in today’s Sunday New York Times relates the ongoing efforts by Fufeng USA to build a corn mill in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Agricultural export policy is national defense policy. The city council of Grand Forks may believe it to be in the best economic interest of their town to buildContinue reading “The Integrated Life Force Concept”

Pete Arrendondo – Cowardice has a name

Today, the front page of the New York Times brings us a detailed article about the failure of law enforcement to confront the school shooter at Uvalde, Texas. Police Chief Arrendondo had an opportunity to engage at minute 3 of the incident, yet chose not to confront the shooter. He also instructed all the officersContinue reading “Pete Arrendondo – Cowardice has a name”

World History – Russia and the USA

There are extensive cultural differences between Russia and the United States and most of Europe that keep these spheres separated. Yet, these differences are not so great that they preclude collaboration for mutual benefit. Were it not for the massive wartime industrial assistance rendered to the Soviet Union throughout all of WWII, Stalingrad and MoscowContinue reading “World History – Russia and the USA”

Misperception of Risk and Political Prioritization

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, the number of homicides in schools averaged about 50 per year from 1992-2018 in the United States. In our country of 340 million, there are 3-3.5 million children per year in a given age cohort. So, 13 grades of school with 3 million children per year isContinue reading “Misperception of Risk and Political Prioritization”

Scope of awareness, scale, controlling growth

Earlier this year, I made a post on the rule of 70s, which is a math shortcut to calculate numeric doubling times when a growth rate is known. All prognostications on the future of our planet’s habitability, inclusive of the ultimate capacity for the biosphere to support human, animal, and plant life, are dependent onContinue reading “Scope of awareness, scale, controlling growth”

The Buffalo Shooting and ‘Replacement Theory’

This past Saturday another racially motivated killing took place that silenced 10 lives. The killer’s manifesto, running over 180 pages, is a public document, yet I could not find it to analyze because of media self-censorship. I think the political leadership underestimates the intensity of ethnic identity and fails to comprehend the impacts of antagonisticContinue reading “The Buffalo Shooting and ‘Replacement Theory’”

Covid, Tobacco, Menthol Cigarettes, and population dynamics

On November 17, 2020, I posted a conjecture, based upon evidence, that there may be a connection between the cigarette export market in China, and an intentional release of COVID as a bio-weapon counter-attack. The thesis being that the long-term oriented Chinese see the influx of addictive cigarettes as a population-attack. A form of warfare.Continue reading “Covid, Tobacco, Menthol Cigarettes, and population dynamics”

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